Since 1987
Contact now +39 3285962264
Studio Dr. Marco Soverini 
Dott. Commercialista 
Revisore Legale
Via Jussi 3/F
San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
Fiscal code.:  VRMRC60S28A944P
VAT number :  00432421204
Phone number: +39 051 040 3231

Integrated financial statements and sustainability reporting for SMEs

Many large companies are already obliged to draft the “Non-financial declaration” (Legislative Decree 254/2016) and many others will be in a short time. . For non-obliged small and medium-sized enterprises, the launch of voluntary and simplified environmental / sustainability reporting initiatives can allow significant benefits with particular reference to relationships with "stakeholders" and green finance opportunities.

In this regard, the "ORMA" initiative was launched through the AICQ ER association to allow SMEs simplified paths for measuring, managing and reporting the climatic / environmental aspects of their management, with particular reference to energy efficiency and carbon footprint. And this is to seize opportunities in terms of increased sales, improved commercial reputation, reduced costs, visibility and opportunities in the green finance sector.
bilanci integrati
bilanci integrati e rendicontazione sostenibilità per PMI

EU Directive 95/2014 and  Legislative  Decree 254/2016

And this by reporting on a voluntary basis the trend dynamics also in the context of the financial statements, in a manner consistent with the paths in place towards the "integrated report" referred to in the EU Directive 95/2014 (Legislative Decree 254/2016), releasing certified participants that can be spent with their stakeholders and favoring the transfer of information (in particular relating to energy performance) to Municipalities and other Territorial  Bodies. And this is also to favor the planning and monitoring of the territory, in the face of incentives and concessions.
bilanci integrati rendicontazione sostenibilità PMI
rendicontazione sostenibilità per PMI
The initiative derives from a preparatory activity within the Bologna Order of Accountants and the PAES (sustainable energy action plan) path  of the Municipality of Bologna, in connection with other Professional Orders and Territorial Bodies, to support companies in the energy/environmental transition , and allow participation in developments in the green finance sector.

Contact us now

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Studio Dr. Marco Soverini 
Dott. Commercialista 
Revisore Legale
via Jussi 3/f 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) 
Pec Phone number: +39 051 040 3231 Mobile: +39 328 596 2264
Fiscal code.:  SVRMRC60S28A944P
VAT number :  00432421204

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